



1 I don’t know where he went.


2 He wasn’t sure why she was angry at him.


1の文では、where he went(彼がどこに行ったのか)、2の文ではwhy she was angry at him(なぜ彼女が怒っているのか)というそれぞれ疑問文が文中で使われています。この形を間接疑問文と言います。



According to the photographer, which of the following is true?

①Doing background research about the area is essential.

②Freezing conditions should be avoided.

③It is best to leave it to chance when taking pictures.

④It is important to stay on the main path.

①As a professional photographer I would like to give you suggestions for successful landscape photography. ②In winter, for example, when they days are short, you need to know where you’re going and what you want to photograph. ③You can get familiar with the area you’re planning to visit by reading guidebooks and studying maps. ④Then, you’ll know beforehand where the most attractive locations are, rather than leaving it to chance. ⑤At the location, you may need to get off the main path, so you should be careful. ⑥To take a good photo, it may be necessary to be in freezing conditions which might be dangerous.
ポイント1:②の文で、where you’re goingとwhat you want to photographという2つの間接疑問文が使われている。
ポイント2:④の文で、where the most attractive locations areという間接疑問文が使われている。

出典:センター試験2010年度本試験 問22



たとえば、「あなたはどこに行くんですか?」は “Where are you going?” と言い、 “are you” という倒置が起きている。

しかし、間接疑問文では “Where are you going?” は “Where you are going” となる。 “are you” が “you are” になっているのがポイントだ。


“Please tell me where you are going.” となる。



In which order does the speaker present suggestions for managing money?

①Compare prices → Make a budget → Plan to buy less → Use utilities less

②Compare prices → Plan to buy less → Make a budget → Use utilities less

③Make a budget → Plan to buy less → Use utilities less → Compare prices

④Make a budget → Use utilities less → Plan to buy less → Compare prices

①When you start living alone, you might find it difficult to manage your money. ②Here are some tips that you may find helpful. ③One hint is first to make a detailed budget, or plan, of how much money you have and what you are going to spend it on each month. ④Then, look at your budget and decide if you can buy fewer items. ⑤Also, use less electricity, water, or other utilities by turning off lights, for example. ⑥Finally, before shopping, make a list of what you need and compare prices on those items from different shops.
→予算を立てる(Make a budget)

→買うものを減らす(Plan to buy less)

→光熱費を減らす(Use utilities less)

→値段を比較する(Compare prices)




③One hint is first to make a detailed budget, or plan, of how much money you have and what you are going to spend it on each month.

how much money you haveで、「どのくらいたくさんのお金を、あなたが持っているか」、what you are going to spend it on each monthで、「毎月、あなたがそれ(お金)を何に使うか」という意味。

出典:センター試験2014年度本試験 問21