シャドーイング レベル2

A: How was your weekend?
B: It was awful. We took a trip to the beach.
A: What is so awful about the beach?
B: The weather was terrible. It was cold and it rained the whole time. We couldn’t even go into the water

A: I’m a little nervous about our math test today.
B: I’m sure you’ll do fine, as long as you studied.
A: But I didn’t study!
B. Then you should be more than a little nervous!

A. I was thinking about eating some pasta for lunch.
B. I didn’t know you cooked.
A. I don’t. I was going to order take out.
B. Can you order some for me as well?

A. My mom can be so strict.
B. How so?
A. She won’t let me go out unless I did all my chores.
B. My mom can be the same way.

A. Do you want to go to the museum with me?
B. I don’t know. I heard tickets are very expensive this time of year.
A. They are. But we can get a student discount.

A. How are you? You didn’t come to work yesterday.
B. I’m good. But I was out sick yesterday.
A. Sorry to hear that. What was wrong?
B. I had a bad case of the Monday’s.

A. What do you think of my new dress?
B. It’s very pretty. Where did you get it?
A. At the mall. It was on sale too.
B. You always know how to find a good discount.

A. Why were you late this morning?
B. My car is broken, so I had to take the bus to get here.
A. You should have told me. I would have given you a ride.

A. What time is the football game?
B. I believe it starts at 1 o’clock.
A. I hope I have time to eat beforehand.
B. You can always buy food at the stadium.

A. We’re going to my grandmother’s house tomorrow.
B. Where does she live?
A. She lives in the city. Right next to the park.

A. Our new science teacher is very strict.
B. Why do you say that?
A. He gave me a failing grade on my homework. And I was only one day late!
B. Maybe you should be more strict about deadlines.

A. My mom is out of town this week so my Dad is in charge of dinner.
B. Is your Dad a good cook?
A. No, but he’s the best at ordering takeout.

A. I need to buy new shoes.
B. Don’t buy shoes at the mall. Everything is so expensive there.
A. I won’t. I was going to order shoes online. There are more options to choose from.

A. What is your favorite color?
B. I like the color red. What about you?
A. I like orange. It’s my favorite color, and my favorite fruit.

A. My doctor says I need to start eating more greens.
B. Really? So what did you bring for lunch?
A. Lime skittles!

A. Do you want to share this sandwich with me?
B. What kind is it?
A. Ham and cheese.
B. No thanks. I don’t eat meat.

A. You should wear a hat. It’s very cold outside.
B. I don’t want to ruin my hair.
A. You’ll ruin a lot more than your hair if you freeze!

A. Did you get Mom something for her birthday.
B. No, I was planning to put my name on whatever you got her.
A. That’s funny. I was planning the same thing.

A. Do you want to play soccer with me?
B. Isn’t it supposed to rain today?
A. We can play water polo instead!

A. I was thinking about ordering out for lunch. Do you want anything?
B. I would love a bowl of soup.
A. This restaurant doesn’t have soup. Want to try a sandwich?
B. I guess so.

A. Do you have any plans for the weekend?
B. I was going to go see that new movie.
A. Wow, you’re braver than I am. I can’t stand horror films.
B. They’re not that scary. The special effects are just awful!

A. I’m going on a date this weekend,
B. How fun! Are your nervous?
A. No, I’m excited. If it doesn’t go well, at least I’ll get a free meal out of it!

A. I have to see the doctor this weekend.
B. What’s wrong?
A. I hurt my arm playing soccer.
B. Oh no! I hope it’s not broken!

A. I love listening to rock music.
B. Really? But it’s so loud.
A. That’s why I like it.

A. My parents won’t let me get a dog.
B. Why not?
A. They say the cat will get jealous.

A. You didn’t feed the fish! Did you forget?
B. No.
A. Then why didn’t you feed them?
B I just put them on a diet.

A. Did you see the weather forecast?
B. No. Why?
A. There’s going to be a big storm today.
B. Oh boy! I hope class gets cancelled.

A. What is your favorite subject in school?
B. I like art class.
A. That makes sense. You’re so creative. Me, I can’t draw a stick figure.

A. What did you buy at the market?
B. I bought some fruits.
A. What was in season?
B. It’s fall, so there were apples and pumpkins.

A. I love your hat.
B. Thanks! My grandma made it.
A. Your grandma is so talented.
B. I’ll tell her you think so. Maybe she can make you a hat too.

A. My husband is great at cooking.
B. What about you?
A. I’m great at eating.

A. Have you been to the zoo lately?
B. No. not since I was a kid.
A. We should go this weekend. They got a new snake! It’s huge!
B. No thanks! I hate reptiles. Too scary!

A. The librarian is so nice.
B. Why do you say that?
A. She lets me check out extra books.

A. Where is the bank?
B. It’s downtown.
A. How can I get there?
B. You could take the bus, or walk if it’s a nice day.

A. I got an awful haircut.
B. Can you fix it?
A. Not on my own. Do you know the number for any good barbers?
B. No, but I know a great hat shop.

A. Whose that guy talking to your brother?
B. That’s my dad.
A. Wow I should’ve guessed. You look just like him,
B. Thanks. It’s the eyes.

A. Everything at this store is so cheap!
B. Even so, I don’t think I’m going to buy anything.
A. Why not?
B. Discount seafood doesn’t sound like a good idea.

A. I went to the gym this morning.
B. How did it go?
A. Horrible. I’m in terrible shape.
B. Sounds like you need to visit the gym more.

A. What should we have for dinner?
B. Can we have chicken fingers?
A. We had that last night. Pick something new.
B. Okay. Let’s have chicken nuggets.

A. Do you have a pencil I could borrow?
B. No, sorry. Could I offer you a pen?
A. That will work. Thanks!

A. I got a failing grade in math class.
B. Really? But you studied all night!
A. Yeah, but I slept through my alarm. And I missed the final exam!

A. I want to get a house plant but I’m afraid I’ll forget to water it.
B. Have you considered getting a plastic plant?
A. I have, but I don’t like how they look.

A. What day is it today?
B. Today is Thursday.
A. Friday can’t come soon enough.

A. What is that smell!
B. I burnt my cake in the oven!
A. That’s okay, you can buy a new cake at the store.
B. It’ll be our little secret.

A. My dog ate my husband’s shoes!
B. You need to train him better.
A. I did! He knows better than to eat my shoes.

A. I can’t wait for the weekend.
B. Do you have any fun plans?
A. Nope. I’m just going to sleep.
B. Sounds good. I might do the same.

A. Do you want to go to dinner with me?
B. Sure! What did you have in mind?
A. We could go to that new burger place.
B. I can’t wait!